Sunday, November 29, 2009

Production Dayz 07: Too Much Time On My hands!

Never Die the Rose is bugging me and I'm still going on it. XD too much time on my hands! But I'm going to post a little of my progress. First of all i finally have a "Once upon a time" opening to the story. Now the key thing with "Once upon a time" opening, is that they give you the false security of the story being perfectly linear because its a fairy tale. But we all know I am entirely too complicated for that kinda nonsense. So here is my "Once Upon a Time" for Never Die the Rose:

Once upon a time, in a far off kingdom, there lived a handmaiden that served a beautiful princess. The handmaiden and the princess were best friends and would always sing together. The beautiful princess could sing loudly and move the hearts of all who listened. All of her people loved her. The handmaiden could sing with passion and innocence that could move the heavens themselves. But the handmaiden’s voice was far too small to be heard by the world. One day a prince heard the princess's gorgeous voice and chose her to be his bride. They would be married and live happily ever after. But no one would listen to the handmaiden; she was doomed to live in the shadow of the princess and her glorious voice. Would the handmaiden’s song ever be heard by someone who would love her or is her song destined fade away?

Thus the story of Mischa and Jolie are introduced. this is the premise though I guarantee  that though it will follow this plot line, it totally isn't linear! More details later! ^_^


Production Dayz 07: Politics and the News (Focusing on the Mundane Too much!)

So I'm generally out of the loop 99% of the time on politics and the world today. I had been wondering how the presidency was going and if any progress had been made but on the scarce occasions I'm able to watch the news, I have nothing the show for it. Most of the time when I'm trying to learn anything about what the president IS doing I get a bunch of stuff that I really don't care about. For instance, they had a big thing about him greeting the Japanese emperor wrong because he shook his hand and bowed. They said "It was tacky and offensive to the culture" and then other say "it's disgraceful, our president shouldn't bow to anyone!" I was like, he's attempting to respect the culture and the man's position. These same people didn't say SHIT when Bush and other presidents bowed to the emperors and rulers of other nations. I mean, you want the president to not acknowledge the other rulers position in his own country and give them respect? It damages relationships between countries to do things like that, people! Trust me, we don't need anymore conflict. We're cash poor as it.

Anyway, it was always stuff like this that I would see on the news. Faux pas, fashion, interaction with people, what he's NOT doing for us and shit like that. I'm like, okay, that's great that you can find all that stuff. Bush didn't shit his first 100 days....hell the 100 day count didn't exist until Obama got into office but he still got a lot done even though a lot of people think that he didn't. I paid attention to news wondering if change would come but I'm not naive enough or any bit as ignorant (yeah I"m saying it) as the masses appear to be to believe that taking the fiasco our government and economy has become and turning it back to the Clinton days (because in my opinion, the Clinton days were the happiest years of my life) can happen in just a few months and just a few years.

So, I really don't care about approval ratings, 1st 100 days, I don't care if he gave his wife a fist bump, hell i wouldn't care if the man bitch slapped someone  for a racist comment  or any thing like. I just really wanted to know what Obama WAS doing. I wanted to know if he was making progress because if he was, then I can still hope that our lives will get better and this whole era will just be dust in the wind! So I got my answer from my friend Kelra on GAW. Finally, what Obama IS doing. Argue all you want and say what you want...the man is doing his job as best as anyone could. You try being president when everyone thinks you're Jesus Christ and that you HAVE to play the martyr! This is a list of all that the things this man is doing while drowning in the criticism of his own peers and country. He's still TRYING, I respect THAT more than anything.


PS: Forgive me for ranting. Its just the news drives me nuts sometimes! I'm eventually going to find a no nonsense news source and it will be wonderful!

What Obama Has Done...
Hey to my GAWs

check this out:

I am always being asked to grade Obama's presidency. In place of offering him a grade, I put together a list of his accomplishments thus far. I think you would agree that it is very impressive. His first six months have been even more active than FDRs or LBJs the two standards for such assessments. Yet, there is little media attention given to much of what he has done. Of late, the media is focusing almost exclusively on Obama's critics, without holding them responsible for the uncivil, unconstructive tone of their disagreements or without holding the previous administration responsible for getting us in such a deep hole. The misinformation and venom that now passes for political reporting and civic debate is beyond description.
As such, there is a need to set the record straight. What most impresses me is the fact that Obama has accomplished so much not from a heavy-handed or top-down approach but from a style that has institutionalized efforts to reach across the aisle, encourage vigorous debate, and utilize town halls and panels of experts in the policy-making process. Beyond the accomplishments, the process is good for democracy and our democratic processes have been battered and bruised in recent years.
Let me know if I missed anything in the list (surely I did).

1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women

4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB

6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family

8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House

11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

16. New federal funding for science and research labs

17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

20. New funds for school construction

21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

22. US Auto industry rescue plan

23. Housing rescue plan

24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan

25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

26. US financial and banking rescue plan

27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols

32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic

33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales

39.. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government

40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba , allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones

43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

44. Expanding vaccination programs

45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

46. Closed offshore tax safe havens

47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals

48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices

50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

51. Lower drug costs for seniors

52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

54. Improved housing for military personnel

55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses

56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

57. Increasing student loans

58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

60. Established a new cyber security office

61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness

64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

66.. Improving benefits for veterans

67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud

69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

71.. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons

73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive

74. Making more loans available to small businesses

75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare

76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans

83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production

84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters

85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

86. Held first Seder in White House

87. Attempting to reform the nation's health care system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured

88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform

90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office!

Robert P. Watson, Ph.D.Coordinator of American Studies
Lynn University

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Production Dayz 06: *sings* and Everybody Diez! (just kidding)

Quick note on how the real me is doing:

Well, I'm about to move back into my parents house, which means I'm gonna have my own room again. I guess that a plus. I finally got a job interview at books a Million thanks to the help of the good people in my life.

But what I noticed is that when I made it final that I was about to move back home...the call for a job came.
What does that say about my situation. Deja (me IRL) is a shy, can't hold down a job, bad luck mama who has been having karma shoot at me with explosive rounds. But when I finally gave up on fighting...something good happened. W..T..F?

Eitherway, this means nothing against my writing. I still have a passion for doing things other than going to a dead end job at the moment but a dead end job will help. so me as myself needs to get her priorities straight. So I'm moving home and will have my own room which means I can start networking like i use to back in college. I can start making random videos again, start doing my art again. all the things I couldn't afford to do while living with someone and having no job. I missed having my own money. So wish me luck on that too.

And Now for what Miss Autumn is doing:

Remember that Fairy Tale I told you about a few days ago. Well, the thing with writers (at least with me) is that when I actually start to like the characters, I tend to keep the story. I was planning on just making a sarcastic fairytale to make my doctor mad (because I just do that) and show him that I don't LIKE happy fairytales. But you know what? I started writing and suddenly the Fairy Tale had depth and when it has depth, I tend to drown in it!

I'll probably post a blog later detailing what its about but i guess you can call it a kinda of Beauty and Beast/Swan Princeess/Madame Butterfly kinda thing. That means you'll never figure out what its about until I'm darn well ready. :)

I'll give you something to go on though. The main character is called Mischa. She's a little flying squirrell. I'll have a more on that after the whether. In the mean time, know that this will probably be more of teen type story rather than children like I intended. Because kids these days can't take the kinda fiction I could as a child. they might go shoot up a school XD.

Take care,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Production Dayz 05: FairyTales Anonymous (Aiding the Dark Fiction Writer into Being Less Emo)

So I went to my doctor today and he tells me to take it easy (how, I'm not to sure) but I don't have a job at the moment which means I'm screwed either way.

Anyway, he knows I'm a writer and thinks my stories have too much psychological torment to the characters. Shadow of Chance for instance sounds like its heading somewhere dark. It is but I'm not gonna tell him that!

Anyway, he suggests that I write something with a happy ending or happy characters. Or even a fairytale would make things alright. He thinks it would be good therapy and would probably allow me to feel happy and prove to myself that things work out. His point is that it will give me more of a positive outlook.

I'm a huge fan of fairytales...the REAL ones. Grim Fairytales and the like. Fairytales that haven't been Disney-upped! Not the most positive thing but he wants to see if I can be more positive in my writing rather than just dark. (I think he was a step away from calling me Emo. lol) So I'm going to try it. Take something Dark and turn into Light?

That's one hell of an assignment. wish me luck. I'm actually considering a Madame Butterfly theme fairytale (loosely based mind you because I was upset with that ending even though I love the opera)

Butterflies are beautiful but slightly creepy (like Monarchs) Anyway, I'm rambling. Gonna work on that a little since I'll be seeing him again next month. May your day be full of Words and Happy Thoughts...yeah 'write!' have a good day people and a happy thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Production Dayz 04: One of Those Days (poetry)

"One of Those Days"

It's one of those days

you wake up too early
like someone
put you on a merry-go-round
and forgot to tell you to stop!

It's one of those days

when you wake up to someone warm
cozy, comfortable, soft,
only to find its just your cousin
who can't seem to sleep
without the familiar press of her face
against your back
and the presence of one who knows what its like.

It's one of those days

It's too early and the sun hurts your eyes
and leaves more than third degree burns
on an empty heart
experiencing the drought of ages
waiting for the kindle of one sweet whisper
and one soft press of hands

It's one of those days

You gotta do the laundry
And press your face longingly to clothes
wishing, waiting
to breathe in that warm, sweet lover's smell
only to smell
the downy pleasures you bought yesterday on sale

It's one of those days

Your skin tingles
and aches
and calls
for the one you've never met
and needed
and prayed for
to come and show you what happens
when the stories stop telling
and the house empties
and you find yourself alone with just him

It's one of those days

When its been so long
you can't take anymore
and all you want to feel
is the rhythm of a heart racing
when the blood rushes
and the body burns
and that all too familiar ache that calls
calls! calls for the response
of a calloused hand brushing over skin
a gentle touch to a blushing cheek
and fingers weaving through hair
hair that ain't been done in a week
but hell if he cares cause he's likes it anyway!

oh, it's one of those days

yearning for that which
the young body has never felt
that flavor the naive tongue has never tasted
But you've heard its like having white chocolate
melt on your tongue inexpressibly bittersweet
you want that sorta soft sigh
and silly smile
that "walkin' on sunshine" feeling the grown women tell you about
its not just act that the body craves
but the warmth, the closeness,
the tender sweet words shared between people
lovers words, touches, warmth and chemistry
the things which make being a woman
all the worthwhile

Oh, it's one of those days
One of those weeks
One of those years

how many of us are left that still know what is to have those days answered?

how much does it take to make those days go away?

and how long...oh how long will we keep having "those" days?


Just how I feel today...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Production Dayz 03: A Little Experiments

So I was bored late at night and couldn't sleep.

I stumbled across blogger and decided to make a blog out of boredum. Figured I write random stuff like I do here. I'm wondering what project to work on. I have so many in the works and the inspiration to do a lot.

So I'm experimenting in the Horror/Dark Fantasy genre which lead me back to the "Escape from the Looking Glass" story I started almost a year ago. I have to do more writing for that but I have yet to learn what is that creeps people out. Nothing really creeps me out so I'm good for reading and writing some pretty grotesque things but again, what scares the reader these days since everyone is so desensitized to everything

Decapitation is just nasty, not really scary

Ghouls and Goblins are just ugly

Vampires....we've had this argument

Lycanthropes...Almost ruined but not forgotten

Demons - aren't really cared about

Definitely want to make Alice in Wonderland as frightening as possible with its new characters. Either way, I might just browse around the forums of different sites and discover what's scary about the waking world as well as the dreaming one. Off I go. I might post my notes to show what people these days still find scary. Like I said, a little experiment.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Production Dayz 02: Arlia (the Poetic Prologue

This was something else that was well into the works but due to severe writers block, it came to stand still. I only posted the poem prologue on Myspace so I'll do the same here. Enjoy.


Who am I to drink in love’s sweet wine and take its life-giving miracle?

Who am I to deny my end when the raven leaves its feather at my door?

I am only human, so I am no one.....

Therefore as a human, if I deny that my love is as hollow as a dead elm and is just as diseased, would it make my longing more bearable?

Or as no one, would it simply be a fact undeniable?

I alone carry a love that ages to perfection like full-bodied French Syrah.....

Yet once my love is breathed into another, the fruit rots and the wine is spoiled.....

What good is my love if only I can partake of it, that is, if only I can drink of its richness without the grape itself spoiling within my body?

Is there someone who can savor the intensity that is my desire?

Someone who can breathe its sweet hypnotic aroma?

Someone who can taste its deluding lushness?

Is there someone who can partake without slipping into anguish’s arms under the beautiful guise of Euphoria?

No, my lush Syrah will remain untouched and continue to age ....

So that I alone will know its strong scent....

I alone will know its flavor and twist my tongue at its pleasurable bitterness....

So when the raven drops its feather at my door and I hear the bells toll in the distance,

I will be human and I will be alone.

Production Dayz 01: Escape From the Looking Glass

This is an older project that I'm surprisingly 5 chapters through. It was meant to be for my sister's birthday a while back but I never was able to complete it due to circumstance. It was suppose to be a darker Alice and Wonderland spinoff. Ah well, maybe I'll finish it at some point. For now enjoy! ^ ^

I’ve always wondered about ....Alice.........

I’ve always wondered why, of all the little girls, why was she chosen to experience the World she had merely dreamt about through picture books and daydreams. Why had Wonderland chosen her to show itself to? It wasn’t until I met her for the first time had I ever begun to truly believe. However, the world was something of an obsession for one who was only twelve. Had I known the truth about Wonderland, I would never have sought it out.....

Oh, why did I do what I did?!....

"Escape from the Looking Glass"

Chapter One: Old Lady Alice....

.. ..

It had not been hard to stealthily sneak out of the house pass the nanny. She was old and didn’t pay them the proper attention anyway. It had been monotonously easy to get out of the gate and off the property following the old dirt road in the moonlight. The sound of small shoes on the gravel didn’t stir a ripple in their countryside community and even if it had, it would’ve been passed off as the wind creating illusion. Besides, the town of ....Lied.... was one of the most uneventful places, (Also one of the most unknown) in the entire world. A couple of mischief makers wouldn’t be noticed traveling in the warm summer night. The destination wasn’t even of real consequence. That’s why to Lenore the only real complication in her adventure was bringing her little brother along.....

“Lenny! Lenny, slow down! Oof!” Tuomas fell in the dirt face-first, his deep auburn bangs falling into his face.....

Lenny grumbled and got the seven year old to his feet. He dusted himself off and glared up at her chidingly. She rolled her eyes and continued walking but she held his hand this time. He huffed and clung to her arm.....

“You know, if nanny knew what we were doing she’d whip your curly butt.”....

Lenny touched her tight candy curls offended. “No one told you to come along, Tuo. You could’ve stayed home and tattled on me.”....

It was his turn to be offended. “You know I’d never tell on you, Lenny.”....

“Heh, then why exactly did you come along? You’re terrified of Teacup Manor.”....

“To look out for you!” Tuo huffed. “I’m scared of that place but I’m more afraid of you being there without me!”....

“Right,” she laughed. “Big bad Tuo is going to protect me. I feel safer already. My life is in the hands of a toddler.”....

“I’m not a-WHOA!” he exclaimed stumbling over his feet. “I’m not a toddler! I’m seven going on eight and you aren’t that much older than me!”....

“I think twelve going on thirteen is a bit better than seven to be doing dangerous things.”....

“That doesn’t mean I’m not still going!”....

Lenny smiled and petted her brother’s head. She had to admit, Tuo was a reliable little thing even though he tended to complain a lot. She was also worried that he would get hurt. Tuo had always been very small and weak for his age. He stayed ill most of days and was pale from being kept indoors. She always made a point to sneak him out of the house when she could for fresh air. This however was an accident. When she climbed out of the window earlier, she hadn’t expected to have his tiny hand tugging at her skirt. He had insisted on coming after she had told him her plan and she of all people could never say no to him. It was probably why she was regretting it now. She just hoped he wouldn’t get too scared and have another attack on her.....

They stayed hand in hand as they made their way to the end of the lane. Tuo drew closer to her as a looming dark mansion came into view in the dim moonlight. A fairly large house it was. Evidence of grander days was present in every stained glass window. Its dingy white marble was cracked from almost a century of no care while vines and moss climbed up the walls wildly. The garden was beyond help with its overgrown bushes and trees covering the yard in a thick canopy of darkness. Numerous times children had crossed the iron gates into the yard to terrorize only to runaway screaming about monsters. Even the gates were intimidating with their newly placed chains and haphazardly made no trespassing sign. Stone gryphon on either side stood guard with fierce beaks seemingly pointed at the passers by. But this was not what made Lenny hesitant to step over the threshold. Monsters were not real, the gardens and house didn’t scare her. Oh no, none of the visual scared Lenny. The history behind this place is what made Lenny look at trembling Tuo and debate whether or not to try this another night. It was rumored that there have been children who made it all the way to the house and completely disappeared. Their parents attacked the inhabitant of the manor in search of their children. An old senile old woman who shied away from people was often interrogated and assaulted for the missing children. They say that every time they asked about the missing children, she would rave about a mirror and a black lady who took them away. She would say, “The looking glass ate them! She took them like she took mine!” Lenny had often heard this from her parents when they had guests in the parlor. Being the sensible twelve year old that she was, Lenny didn’t believe for an instant that a woman with one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel could possibly harm young children who were more than likely stronger and faster than her. This allowed her to take on another theory. This old woman had the mysterious looking glass and the children were stumbling into it. Tuo’s soft cooing voice broke Lenny from her from her thoughts and brought back the dangers.....

“Do you think we’ll come back out again?”....

Lenny looked up at the solitary light shining from a window in the western part of the house. She nodded more to herself than Tuo. She was ld she was smart enough to bring a lantern with her. She lit it now and dimmed the light before turning to Tuo and hoisting his frail body into one arm. She rested him against her hip as she had done many times and picked up the lantern.....

“Don’t worry, Tuo. I’ll hold you until we get into the house, okay?”....

Tuo clung to her as a response and she squeezed them through the largely spaced bars. Large enough for just a child to slip through, she mused. She kept the light in front of them so that she wouldn’t trip and drop Tuo. It was dark, true enough, but Lenny couldn’t see what had made other children runaway like frightened puppies. The overgrown bushes were, in her opinion, unremarkable. Even Tuo did not tremble at the uncared for garden. Disappointed a bit, Lenny kept a constant straight line through the brush careful not to set any of the dry leaves on fire. They came to a large opening in the bushes, a manmade clearing of cobble stone. A large fountain of white marble stood dry and decaying. The statue of a large rabbit wearing an adorable tailcoat stood at the center holding a giant pocket watch with a distraught expression on its finely carved face. It seemed to stare down at Lenny and Tuo with pleading doe eyes. Lenny noticed that the watch was actually ticking. Strange sight it was, a working marble clock. Lenny let Tuo down for a moment and let him hug her waist while she turned up the light. Tuo jumped out of his skin when the light revealed a freakishly grinned cat staring down at him from a pedestal. Lenny giggled and showed him it was only a stature. It was lifeless. Her hopes were lifting with each statue they passed. She pointed out each character to Tuo with an excited smile.....

“Look, its Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! They’re the ones who told ....Alice.... the story of the Walrus and the Carpenter!”....

“The one where the walrus ate all the oysters?” Tuo asked becoming a bit braver.....

“Yes! Oh Tuo,” Lenny gasped and laughed. “It’s the Mad Hatter and the Marsh Hare!”....

She shined the light over a shabbily dressed rabbit and a man wearing an excessively large hat. Tuo laughed at their strange clothing. She even found tiny statues of card soldiers. They came closer to the house’s entrance no longer afraid. Tuo, however, scared himself again when they came across another statue of the grinning cat. Lenny sighed and calmed him down before he pushed himself into a panic.....

“What’s up with the cat?” Tuo shouted irritably.....

“That’s the greatest creature in Wonderland, Tuo,” Lenny said adoringly. “That is the infamous Cheshire Cat.” ....

“The one who was always getting ....Alice.... in trouble?”....

“He was mischievous but he did manage to get her through Wonderland with all his riddles and nonsense.”....

“He still seemed like a bad guy!”....

“He is just one those characters that didn’t take sides.”....

“He’s still freaky too.”....

Lenny shook her head and pulled Tuo along to the entrance. It was Lenny’s turn to be frightened. There on either side of the entrance sat two people on stone thrones. A king glaring straight forward with a plain crown atop his brow sat before her but he was not threatening in his demeanor, simply regal. He was not the one that frightened Lenny. It was the other. Sitting there in a malicious posture was a sinister looking woman dressed elegantly in a carved corset and bodice wish carried a heart shaped emblem. A gorgeous crown was affixed in her stone hair much more glamorous than that of her King. Her shadowed eyes pierced the trees in front of her and a hard scowl was set in stone on her heart shaped face Lenny wasn’t sure why this queen terrified her right down to her soul but the feeling told her to heed the fear. She dared not touch the statue and steered Tuo away from them Tuo noticed how quiet she was as they walked up the stairs to the door.....

“Who was that lady you kept staring at, Lenny?”....

“T-That…that was the Red Queen, the Queen of Hearts.”....


“It’s funny,” she said softly looking back at the statues. “even though I’m scared of her, the Red Queen was one of my favorite characters.”....

“She must be really horrible, I’ve never seen you scared, Lenny,” Tuo teased.....

“And you won’t again! Now be quiet and hold the lantern out for me,” she ordered kneeling in front of the door. “Besides, the Red Queen creeps everyone out! Plus, I think she blinked at me.”....

Tuo didn’t say anything after that; he didn’t want to hear anything abut moving statues and Lenny was glad he was quiet. She picked the lock until it made a triumphant click. She smiled and gently pushed opened the door, careful not to make it creak. The inside was dark, dank and smelled of age. Lenny almost gagged at the stink while poor Tuo fought to stifle his coughs. She shined the lantern into the entrance hall with caution, before gripping Tuo’s hand tightly and going in first. She kept Tuo close to her back and left the door open so as to provide a speedy escape. The hall seemed simple enough with its tile floor and high ceiling. The tiles themselves were checkered like a giant chess board but it was too dark t see their colors. Lenny did manage to see the cracks in the once fine file and if she shined the lantern just right, she could catch the sparkles from the dusty old chandelier hanging high above them. She could almost hear the straining creak from the chain that suspended it. But there was noise echoing in the room, several actually, that pushed Lenny to shine the lantern toward the walls. It was the faint ticking of clocks. Dozens of them were hanging together at different times. Each clock showed different time under the light and only curious questions were raised by each knew numbered face. What would one need with so many clocks? How could one possibly tell the correct time if they were all different? If most of them were not moving, then where was the ticking coming from? It was then that Lenny realized only two of the clocks were actually ticking. The others had long since stopped and were frozen on different times Tuo had become entranced by a fairly new clock of green and yellow paint. The carving of a mouse being chased by a ferocious cat went round and round with the gears. It would’ve been comical had the cat not looked so monstrous. The boy watched it for a long time, dragging Lenny over to be entranced as well. Then abruptly the second hand ceased all movement and the ticking of this particular clock stopped eerily with the mouse a mere centimeters away from the cat’s claws. Tuo shuddered for no real reason and when Lenny asked of it, he only said,....

“I just got a bad feeling but now it’s gone.”....

They left the remained clock to tick and made their way to the stairs with Tuo shivering once more at the sudden silence. The last clock had stopped. Lenny, growing nervous, made a point to carry Tuo up the stairs merely for the sake of holding him close to her. With an effort, she made it to the top where the stairs parted two ways toward each wing of the house. A stone knight was on each banister pointing toward each other with lances in a deadly stalemate. Lenny felt a smile tug at the corner of her mouth. These were the Black and White Knights.  She and Tuo looked left and right trying to decide which direction take. She looked at her brother for the final answer. At first he pointed back the way they came but a stern look from Lenny made him choose the White Knight’s wing. As an apology for putting him through this, she continued to carry him up the stairs and never put him down. She wouldn’t say it was to calm her fears more than his.....

The passageway they reached was like the rest of the house, dank and dusty. The plus side was that windows allowed the moonlight in though Lenny was terrified to walk by them. Windows at night were one of her secret fears because she had always been afraid that if she looked out a window at night something would be staring back at her. Unfortunately, he brother had the same fear making it hard to draw courage from him. Gulping, she made Tuo put his face in her neck in case something did stare back. She built up her nerve and walked forward keeping her eyes forward and no where else. She didn’t dare glance at the giant windows. She barely even blinked until they were safely at the end of the hall and away from the windows. If she had, then in her peripheral she would’ve noticed the lanky shadow jumping from sill to sill behind her. Lenny released and audible sigh of relief and cuddled Tuo letting him know it was alright to look. They had come to a door where a faint voice could be heard and light could be seen underneath the frame. Lenny dared to put her brother down who took it upon himself to crouch down an peek under the door His head tilted this way and that before he stood up to give her a report like a good little spy.....

“There’s like four feet in there, so that’s um two people right?”....

“I thought Old Lady Alice lived alone,” she whispered puzzled....

“I don’t think that old lady’s in there. I mean all these feet had shoes but I don’t think either of them looked old. Oh there’s a really, really old lookin’ cat in there.”....

“A cat?” Lenny got to her knees and peered under the door. There indeed was a cat and Lenny could barely recognize the thin brittle creature. “That’s…my gosh, Tuo, that’s either Dinah or one of her children, ....Alice....’s cat from the stories.”....

“”How do you know! A cat can’t live that long can they?”....

“Well like I said, it may be one of her children. Cat’s have babies too. Besides, you dare question me after the statues outside? The cat is old, just like Old Lady Alice and it was a kitten in the story. It’s only natural ....Alice.... would keep her. I bet it is Dinah!” ....

Tuo groaned in uncertainty. “Either way, there are people and neither one of them is the old lady so we should just go.” ....

“I came here for a reason; I can’t leave until I see it just once. I have to know it’s real.”....

“A looking glass, Lenny? It’s just a mirror so what’s the point. You could get mom and dad to buy you one.”....

“It’s….” Lenny sat up “It’s not just a mirror to me, Tuo. It’s important to me.”....

Tuo, being a mere seven, found it hard to understand his sister’s motives behind some of the things she got them into. But, because he was a mere seven, he would forever place a blind trust n her reasoning. Whether or not this was a serious flaw he was too young to know. He peeked under the door one more time before cracking the door only slightly. He made room for her to see inside and stood back to be the look out. Lenny smiled gratefully at him and peeked through. ....

Apparently they had missed the conversation and the two people were ready to depart. Lenny spotted the old cat resting in the corner ignoring the two strangers. Lenny’s eyes were wide when she fully took in the sight of the two inside the room. A woman dressed in a petticoat covered by an immaculately white dress and robe stood there. Her upper body and face were hidden by the hood and fastenings of a cloak.  She turned away from a man in raggedy clothes who fidgeted nervously and kept shifting his eyes toward the cat. His hair was balding in patches and his two front teeth protruded badly from his mouth giving him the appearance of some mangy rodent. He even nibbled at his hands much to Lenny’s disgust. The woman in the white robe turned away from the man and walked toward the back of the room where Lenny could no longer see her but she could hear her voice. That voice…....

“Do not come back to me empty handed. The Black Queen will not be pleased to hear such things and you may never go home.”....

“Yes, my lady,” the man said with a slight squeak in his voice. ....

A flash of light blinded Lenny for a moment and when her vision cleared the man and the woman were both gone and the room was dark again. She squeaked when a mouse ran past her foot and the cat clumsily chased it. She blinked a few times and stared at Tuo who had no clue what had just occurred. She smiled brightly and motioned for him to come in the room with her. He gave the empty hall one more look before following behind Lenny into the empty room. All that was there was something large covered by a dirty old sheet and an old Queen Anne chair sat near it. Lenny smiled and walked up to the covered piece of furniture. Tuo, who had taken a seat, in the surprisingly comfortable chair, looked around the room with disappointment.....

“I don’t get this,” he said softly. “If there were two people in here before, where did they go?”....

“Dunno,” Lenny whispered. She wasn’t really paying attention. “Tuo come here. I think this…” ....

He rolled his eyes and got out of the chair to join his sister. Lenny reached out hesitantly and touched the old dirty cloth. She took a handful of the fabric and began to pull. Tuo watched closely catching a glimpse of glass as the cloth began to fall away. He saw a flash of eyes of eyes frightened him and he grabbed his sister out of instinct pulling her down. The cloth came all the way down and a spark shot from the glass to Lenny’s chest knocking her head against the floor. Tuo was the first to sit up and he stared at the mirror with wide eyes. He saw the gold glowing eyes and a white grin from the mirror. The echo of disembodied laughter sent chills up his small spine. Lenny gathered her bearings and sat up as well. By then the laughter had died and the eyes were gone. ....

“What was that, Lenny?!”....

“I dunno! Ah,” she groaned and touched her chest. “it hurts.”....

“What are you doing here?!”....

“AH!” Tuo screamed.....

“old lady Alice,” Lenny whispered.....

Both of them turned toward the door as an elderly woman made her way towards them with their lantern in her hand. Her silvery hair was in pulled back by a blue silk ribbon and her frail body was covered in a blue house dress. Lenny and Tuo screamed and got to their feet running away from the woman. They maneuvered passed her getting to the door and halfway out of the door Lenny hoisted Tuo into her arms and ran for their lives. They stumbled down the stair stripping on the last two. Lenny made sure to fall on her back so that Tuo wouldn’t get hurt and she was immediately on her feet again. They zoomed out the door leaving not a trace that they were there.....

The old woman watched them skittered through the garden with weary baby-blue eyes. She sighed and closed her door in an almost painful movement. The old woman walked slowly to the wall of clocks and stared at the dead clocks searching for the source of new ticking she heard. She eyed two beautiful red and black clocks that ticked away the time in an echoing tempo. ....

“Oh god, not again,” she whispered brokenly. “Not the Swanbrook Children.”....

Production Dayz: Saying Hi to Myself


Let's start with something simple. I'm Autumn Twilight and I'm an aspiring author. Hmm, that sounds a little too proper

How about: I'm Autumn, just call me AT or the like. I'm a writer by birth, nature, and trade all at the expense of an overactive imagination. I already have a myspace blog (though its not that popular) One of my friends use this one so I thought why not take a look and try and see if I like it. I think I'll post some of my older stuff from myspace first to fill this up a little, then go by for broke later.

I guess this will be a bit of a public diary because everyone loves to see what everyone else is doing. Sometimes I'm guilty of it myself but one thing at a time. Lets test this out first, ne?