Saturday, November 28, 2009

Production Dayz 06: *sings* and Everybody Diez! (just kidding)

Quick note on how the real me is doing:

Well, I'm about to move back into my parents house, which means I'm gonna have my own room again. I guess that a plus. I finally got a job interview at books a Million thanks to the help of the good people in my life.

But what I noticed is that when I made it final that I was about to move back home...the call for a job came.
What does that say about my situation. Deja (me IRL) is a shy, can't hold down a job, bad luck mama who has been having karma shoot at me with explosive rounds. But when I finally gave up on fighting...something good happened. W..T..F?

Eitherway, this means nothing against my writing. I still have a passion for doing things other than going to a dead end job at the moment but a dead end job will help. so me as myself needs to get her priorities straight. So I'm moving home and will have my own room which means I can start networking like i use to back in college. I can start making random videos again, start doing my art again. all the things I couldn't afford to do while living with someone and having no job. I missed having my own money. So wish me luck on that too.

And Now for what Miss Autumn is doing:

Remember that Fairy Tale I told you about a few days ago. Well, the thing with writers (at least with me) is that when I actually start to like the characters, I tend to keep the story. I was planning on just making a sarcastic fairytale to make my doctor mad (because I just do that) and show him that I don't LIKE happy fairytales. But you know what? I started writing and suddenly the Fairy Tale had depth and when it has depth, I tend to drown in it!

I'll probably post a blog later detailing what its about but i guess you can call it a kinda of Beauty and Beast/Swan Princeess/Madame Butterfly kinda thing. That means you'll never figure out what its about until I'm darn well ready. :)

I'll give you something to go on though. The main character is called Mischa. She's a little flying squirrell. I'll have a more on that after the whether. In the mean time, know that this will probably be more of teen type story rather than children like I intended. Because kids these days can't take the kinda fiction I could as a child. they might go shoot up a school XD.

Take care,

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