Sunday, November 15, 2009

Production Dayz 03: A Little Experiments

So I was bored late at night and couldn't sleep.

I stumbled across blogger and decided to make a blog out of boredum. Figured I write random stuff like I do here. I'm wondering what project to work on. I have so many in the works and the inspiration to do a lot.

So I'm experimenting in the Horror/Dark Fantasy genre which lead me back to the "Escape from the Looking Glass" story I started almost a year ago. I have to do more writing for that but I have yet to learn what is that creeps people out. Nothing really creeps me out so I'm good for reading and writing some pretty grotesque things but again, what scares the reader these days since everyone is so desensitized to everything

Decapitation is just nasty, not really scary

Ghouls and Goblins are just ugly

Vampires....we've had this argument

Lycanthropes...Almost ruined but not forgotten

Demons - aren't really cared about

Definitely want to make Alice in Wonderland as frightening as possible with its new characters. Either way, I might just browse around the forums of different sites and discover what's scary about the waking world as well as the dreaming one. Off I go. I might post my notes to show what people these days still find scary. Like I said, a little experiment.

0 Fellow Ponderers: