Saturday, November 14, 2009

Production Dayz: Saying Hi to Myself


Let's start with something simple. I'm Autumn Twilight and I'm an aspiring author. Hmm, that sounds a little too proper

How about: I'm Autumn, just call me AT or the like. I'm a writer by birth, nature, and trade all at the expense of an overactive imagination. I already have a myspace blog (though its not that popular) One of my friends use this one so I thought why not take a look and try and see if I like it. I think I'll post some of my older stuff from myspace first to fill this up a little, then go by for broke later.

I guess this will be a bit of a public diary because everyone loves to see what everyone else is doing. Sometimes I'm guilty of it myself but one thing at a time. Lets test this out first, ne?

0 Fellow Ponderers: